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Protect Yourself From Viruses

The rapid spread of the coronavirus now called COVID-19 has sparked alarm worldwide. As we learn more about this virus we see that many individual cases of infected people that die from this virus have been shown to have underlying health issues that weaken the immune system and increase the probability of death. Leaving many people with questions of what they can do to strengthen their immune system and overall health to better protect themselves and their loved ones.

Do you wish you could protect yourself and your loved ones in a bubble to prevent unwanted viruses? Well, we’ve got an even better way to shield yourself from illness, one that boosts your immunity naturally and effectively!

Here are a few basic steps to protect your health and Boost your immune system!

1. Increase fruits and vegetables – Fruits and vegetables fortify our immune systems. My rule of thumb is that the greener the veggies and the more colorful the fruits, the healthier your body will feel. If you detest green, leafy vegetables, try throwing a handful of spinach or baby kale into a fruit smoothie packed with antioxidant-plentiful berries and ripe bananas.

2. Get enough sleep – It is recommended that most people go for 7-9 hours of sleep a night. Some people need less, others need more. Six hours is an extremely restful night of sleep for most, while 10 hours is necessary for others. Getting enough sleep is essential to a healthy full functioning immune system.

3. Reduce stress – Easier said than done, right? We all have it, whether it’s financial stress, emotional stress, or physical stress. Stress is the primary cause for all sickness and disease. By reducing stress it reduces pain sensitivity, and lowers blood pressure to name just a few of its endless benefits. 

4. Avoid added sugar – Sugar and Vitamin C compete for absorption by the same cells. When we eat too much added sugar, this blocks our body from absorbing Vitamin C. As we all know, Vitamin C aids our immune system in preventing sickness from taking hold in our bodies. Too much sugar weakens our immune system, and voilà! Sickness isn’t an if, it becomes a when.

Now, this does not include fruit. Sure, if you’re Type II diabetic, you need to watch your fruit intake because of your insulin imbalance. Outside of that, fruit doesn’t make humans sick or gain weight. Quite the opposite, in fact.

5. Avoid dairy – This might put some people off. Most humans have a lactose intolerance, which is considered a dairy allergy. I certainly have a dairy allergy. And because of the high levels of antibiotic residue found in ALL dairy, this contributes to humans’ increasing antibiotic resistance, making us more susceptible to “superbugs” like this new coronavirus.

Dairy also contains high levels of estrogen and progesterone, which lead to abnormal early puberty, and the increased risk of uterine, breast, and prostate cancers. Dairy contains casein, which facilitates the growth of cancer cells. Dairy leads to increased risk of Type I diabetes and multiple sclerosis. Because of its high calcium content, dairy consumption can disrupt the body’s Vitamin D production and negatively affect bone growth, especially later in life. Because of dairy’s high content of sulferous amino acids, it actually leaches the calcium out of our bones, leading to a vastly higher risk of osteoporosis at an earlier age than normal.

6. Wash your hands – Follow these five steps every time.

  1. Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap, and apply soap.
  2. Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails.
  3. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. Need a timer? Hum the “Happy Birthday” song from beginning to end twice.
  4. Rinse your hands well under clean, running water.
  5. Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them.

Also, keeping a small bottle of hand sanitizer on hand isn’t a bad idea. 

7. Chiropractic care – How can Chiropractic Care protect you from the Coronavirus? One of the more significant ways Chiropractic protects you from viruses is because just about every nerve in the entire body passes through the C1 as the spinal cord. When there is a subluxation of the C1, this adds stress, tension, and/or pressure to some aspect of some nerve that travels to somewhere in the body. When this happens, people experience symptoms either immediately or eventually. Removing the subluxation and restoring proper positioning of the C1 allows the nervous system to properly communicate with the body and vice versa. Since the nervous system is the master system, it happens to control all other systems, including the immune system.

Try out these seven suggestions and see if they help. If you want to take measures to strengthen your immune system from the threat of viruses contact us at 303-499-4500

When you hear the word Chiropractor, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Pain relief, right? It’s true that Chiropractic does help with musculoskeletal complaints, but that’s not what has kept Chiropractic a separate and distinct healthcare profession for the last 118 years.
In the earlier part of the 20th Century people mainly came to Chiropractors for infectious diseases, such as Polio and Scarlet Fever. Chiropractic wasn’t found by relieving someone’s Sciatica. It was founded in 1895 by a man named D.D. Palmer when he adjusted a deaf man and he got his hearing back. Obviously a lot more there than just pain relief.
Here are 10 of the most popular reasons why patients seek Chiropractic Care:

  1. Back Pain: Relief and Prevention
    Chiropractors are notorious for our results when it comes to resolving back pain. Even Consumer Reports rated Chiropractic the #1 solution to lower back pain over medical care, pharmaceuticals, acupuncture and physical therapy. Numerous studies show how patients seeking Chiropractic care for low back pain get relief faster and the results last longer over time.
  2. Neck Pain: Relief and Prevention
    Chiropractic’s history with neck pain is just as impressive as our results with lower back pain. Recently, ABC news conducted a study which revealed that Chiropractic adjustments are superior to pharmaceuticals and physical therapy when it comes to neck pain. Similar to the back pain studies, they found Chiropractic patients recovered twice as fast as those receiving traditional medical care.
  3. Pain, Tingling and/or Numbness in an Extremity
    Patients who are suffer from Sciatica (in legs or feet), or a Cervical Radiculopathy(in arm or hand) usually seek medical intervention first due to the pain and discomfort. They eventually find their way to the Atlanta Chiropractor after these methods fail and the only other alternative offered is surgery.
    Chiropractic aims to remove the pressure on the nerves affected, thereby addressing the cause instead of covering up the symptoms. In most cases, Chiropractic can delay or even eliminate the need for drugs or surgery.
  4. Headaches/ Migraines: Relief and Prevention
    Headaches are a very common condition, but they are never “normal”. They are a sign that you have excessive stress on your central nervous system. Chiropractic has been shown to help with all sorts of headaches – from the classic migraines to Trigeminal Neuralgia, or Tic Deloroux.
    It’s important to note that Chiropractic does not treat headaches. The Adjustments remove pressure off of nerves and allow the entire body to function better. As a result, many headaches tend to dissipate or even disappear. There is also published research on it’s effectiveness. If headaches are plaguing you, Chiropractic is a logical place to start.
  5. Easier Pregnancy and Labor 
    Moms-to-be have been finding relief at the Atlanta Chiropractor for all sorts of common issues during pregnancy. Conditions such as back pain, heartburn & circulation problems all been shown to improve under Chiropractic care. Patients who see Chiropractors have also been shown to have shorter and less painful deliveries! This makes for happy moms, especially those choosing natural child births.
  6. Improved Range of Motion and Peak Performance
    Many athletes see Chiropractors on a regular basis. Professional athletes in every sport have endorsed Chiropractic and given it credit, in part, to their level of success. Chiropractic helps the musculoskeletal system to perform more balanced. This tends to reduce injury and recover from it faster. People such as Tiger Woods, Jerry Rice, Evander Holyfield, Lance Armstrong and many others include Chiropractic as part of their lifestyle.
  7. Healthier Children
    More and more parents have been bringing their children to seek Chiropractic care. It’s helped many children recover from conditions such as acid reflux, ear infections, colic, asthma, ADD, ADHD and even Autism. It has an impeccable record when it comes to safety as well.
    Again, Chiropractic does NOT offer to diagnose or treat these conditions or any others. The Chiropractic adjustment removes interferences in the central nervous system, allowing the entire body to express itself at a higher level. And yes, even in children.
  8. Find Relief from Menstrual Problems
    Due to the nervous system’s control over the menstrual cycle, Chiropractic has helped women with not only the level of pain, but also abnormal cycles and even infertility. More mature women have also found relief in their menopausal symptoms. As a matter of fact, 80% of Chiropractic patients are women.
  9. Get Relief from Allergies
    Another issue that brings patients to my office is Allergies and other sinus and respiratory issues. The efficiency of your Immune System to fight off allergens and infection is largely dependent on the integrity of your Central Nervous System. Chiropractic patients perceive less overall symptoms due to seasonal allergies without the need for over the counter medication.
  10. Improved Overall Function
    As you can probably gather from the previous 9 reasons, the theme is pretty similar. The Power that Made the Body, Heals the Body. Chiropractic focuses on removing nerve interference called Subluxation, thereby improving the function and integrity of the entire body and mind. Since your Nervous System controls and coordinates all function, stresses in that system can create a state of dis-ease, which leads to dysfunction and eventually a symptom.
    Chiropractors don’t treat symptoms. We focus on the cause and on removing the interferences in the normal transmission of mental impulses from brain to body, and body to brain. Then your body can get all the information it needs in order to function the best that it can. That’s why 80% of the patients I see on a daily basis are feeling great and they come in for regular monthly visits in order to maintain that level of health and expression.

What Does Chiropractic Treat?

At Boulder Back Pain Clinic, the first step is to completely evaluate a patient based on a variety of factors such as: nature of the injury, level of activity, family history, lifestyle, previous injuries, treatments already completed, and other information to that a customized treatment plan can be quickly put in place.

Chiropractic care can include treating and/or alleviating the pain and symptoms of:

Back pain
Neck pain
Spinal manipulation
Rehabilitative exercises
Sleep disorders
Nutritional needs
Healthy occupational and lifestyle changes
Sports injuries
Accidents and falls
Gastrointestinal syndromes
Ear infections
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Is Chiropractic Safe?

When performed by a trained and licensed chiropractor, chiropractic is safe!

Chiropractic is widely recognized as one of the safest drug-free, non-invasive therapies available for the treatment. Recently, chiropractic therapy has favorly grown with patients and physicians alike.

How is Chiropractic care safer than pain medications?
Certain pain medications are often addictive drugs and can cause more harm than good, leaving the patient dependent on temporary relief rather than simply treating the source of the pain. Chiropractic is the safer alternative to achieving optimal health. In fact new research published in The Annals of Internal Medicine, found that chiropractic care was better at reducing pain than taking medications like aspirin, ibuprofen or narcotics.

Why is Chiropractic so popular?
It is a non-invasive, safe, effective and gentle practice of naturally healing that activates your body’s healing power. Following a thorough examination and recommendations by a licensed chiropractor will help you feel noticeably better. Chiropractic is popular for treatments like back pain, neck pain, whiplash and auto injury, headaches and migraines.


It is common for people to experience back pain in Boulder, CO. Usually, there is an underlying cause and back pain is a symptom of that condition. There is a range of back pain, it can be dull and achy, or sharp and life-altering. If the pain lasts for more than 3 months it is usually considered chronic pain, but if the pain only lasts for several days it is acute pain. With more severe and lasting pain, medical treatment from a specialist is recommended.
For you to understand the causes and reasons for back pain in Boulder, CO, we’ve created a list of 5 things that can help you be informed about back pain.

Causes of Back Pain
A common cause of back pain in is the low back strain. This happens when back muscles are strained or overworked. If you don’t get treatment your muscles or tendons can get torn. This type of back pain is a result of lifting heavy objects, not lifting properly, or standing or sitting for too long. Other reasons can be from playing any sports that require bending and twisting.
If you experience more serious back pain, there could be many reasons why you are experiencing such horrible back pain. You probably have an underlying condition such as appendicitis, bladder infection, kidney problems, herniated discs, sciatica, or spine injuries and fractures.

Risk Factors for Back Pain
When not treated, back pain can lead to weak back and abdominal muscles, a tilted pelvis, or serious curvature of the spine. All of these symptoms increase the risk of permanent back injury. The sooner you get medical treatment ensures that you won’t develop these symptoms which lower your risk of permanent damage.

Back Pain Symptoms
The most common symptoms of back pain are stiffness and inflammation. Pain can radiate down your legs and you may feel a tingling sensation. The inability to move or maintain a good posture for an extended amount of time is also a symptom of back pain. Other symptoms include muscle spasms and pain that lasts for an extended amount of time.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Back Pain
Make an appointment with your general practitioner. They will take a look at your medical history and give you a physical examination. If they find anything unusual or concerning they will recommend further tests such as an MRI or X-ray. They may also suggest physical therapy or visiting a chiropractor.