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5 Things You Need To Know About Back pain


It is common for people to experience back pain in Boulder, CO. Usually, there is an underlying cause and back pain is a symptom of that condition. There is a range of back pain, it can be dull and achy, or sharp and life-altering. If the pain lasts for more than 3 months it is usually considered chronic pain, but if the pain only lasts for several days it is acute pain. With more severe and lasting pain, medical treatment from a specialist is recommended.
For you to understand the causes and reasons for back pain in Boulder, CO, we’ve created a list of 5 things that can help you be informed about back pain.

Causes of Back Pain
A common cause of back pain in is the low back strain. This happens when back muscles are strained or overworked. If you don’t get treatment your muscles or tendons can get torn. This type of back pain is a result of lifting heavy objects, not lifting properly, or standing or sitting for too long. Other reasons can be from playing any sports that require bending and twisting.
If you experience more serious back pain, there could be many reasons why you are experiencing such horrible back pain. You probably have an underlying condition such as appendicitis, bladder infection, kidney problems, herniated discs, sciatica, or spine injuries and fractures.

Risk Factors for Back Pain
When not treated, back pain can lead to weak back and abdominal muscles, a tilted pelvis, or serious curvature of the spine. All of these symptoms increase the risk of permanent back injury. The sooner you get medical treatment ensures that you won’t develop these symptoms which lower your risk of permanent damage.

Back Pain Symptoms
The most common symptoms of back pain are stiffness and inflammation. Pain can radiate down your legs and you may feel a tingling sensation. The inability to move or maintain a good posture for an extended amount of time is also a symptom of back pain. Other symptoms include muscle spasms and pain that lasts for an extended amount of time.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Back Pain
Make an appointment with your general practitioner. They will take a look at your medical history and give you a physical examination. If they find anything unusual or concerning they will recommend further tests such as an MRI or X-ray. They may also suggest physical therapy or visiting a chiropractor.